Nancy Samoluk – Board Member

Nancy and her husband Ron were newlyweds when they moved to Estevan fifty years ago.  They have enjoyed being part of this community ever since.  Nancy has always been interested in promoting a variety of arts in Estevan.  In the first year of living in Estevan Nancy joined The Estevan Docents, a local organization that brought famous masters’ artworks, in print form, on loan from the Mackenzie Art Gallery, to the students of Estevan. The Estevan Docents organization was also instrumental in establishing the Estevan National Art Gallery in Estevan.

Nancy was an elementary school teacher for the Estevan Public School Division until her retirement in 2006.  Through the years of Nancy’s teaching career she had many of her classes entered into the Choral Speech category of the Estevan Music Festival. After retiring Nancy looked forward to attending and volunteering each year at the Estevan Music Festival.  For several years, through a combination of being on the Estevan Public Library Board and being a volunteer at the Estevan Music Festival, Nancy was able to arrange to have individuals and/or school classes participate at city hall during the Mayoral Poetry Challenge month.  Nancy has been a member of the Estevan Public Library Board for 42 years and now also sits on the South East Regional Library Board. 

In 1995 Nancy took a pottery class through the Estevan Art Council and has been actively enjoying this art form since then.  Nancy has been president of the Estevan Pottery Club since 2014 and, in that capacity, has worked closely with the Estevan Arts Council board. Nancy enjoys being part of this outstanding organization that promotes and brings such a wide diversity of art to the city of Estevan.